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Year 1978 Lectures

While listening to any lectures by His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami, please keep in mind that these lectures were given over three decades. The times changed and therefore some of the comments are obviously relevant to that point in time only. However, at the same time, most of the content is inspired from the eternal teachings of the Vedic Literatures and Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya (disciplic succession). In that light, the messages on these lectures have eternal instructions that can benefit listeners regardless of time, place, and circumstances.

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Date   PlaceVerseLengthSizeTitleSeries
1978.02.21Melbourne, AUSB 1.14.436:238.3MNothing Is Worthwhile Without Krsna Consciousness 
1978.02.22Melbourne, AUSB 1.14.5-839:3015.8MKrsna Comes Just to Satisfy His Devotees 
1978.09.05London, UKArrival12:342.9MThe Guru Is One 
1978.09.06London, UKSB 3.22.224:335.6MRealization Possible Only When Blessed by the Spiritual Master 
1978.09.06New York, USArrival16:543.9MPrepare for Increase 
1978.09.07New York, USSB 6.9.3442:179.7MWe Require Guru's Help to Get Out of Suffering Condition 
1978.09.08St. Louis, USArrival21:144.9MThe Modern History of the Sankirtana Party 
1978.09.09St. Louis, USMorning Walk23:085.3MCollege for Brahmanas 
1978.09.09St. Louis, USSB 1.17.2145:4210.5MCleanse Your Heart by the Bhagavata Process 
1978.09.09St. Louis, USEve Darsana58:1713.3MHappiness and Distress Are Relative Terms 
1978.09.10St. Louis, USRadhastami SB 1.17.2253:2412.2M  
1978.09.10St. Louis, USRadhastami27:486.4MAbhiseka Lecture 
1978.09.10St. Louis, USRadhastami20:314.7MGift Opening 
1978.09.11St. Louis, USMorning Walk23:485.5M  
1978.09.12St. Louis, USMorning Walk34:017.8M  
1978.09.12St. Louis, USSB 1.17.2457:2913.2MHow To Maintain the Four Pillars of Religion 
1978.09.12St. Louis, USEve Darsana66:1615.2MKrsna Can Give Us the Whole USA 
1978.09.14St. Louis, USMorning Walk44:1810.1MLiberated Devotees Still Follow Regulative Principles 
1978.09.14St. Louis, USSB 1.17.26-2739:569.1MOur Method of Mass Education 
1978.09.14St. Louis, USEve Darsana73:2716.8MSex Life Is Like a Mosquito Bite 
1978.09.15St. Louis, USMorning Walk25:055.7MOur Book Distributors Are Like Maharathis 
1978.09.16St. Louis, USMorning Walk24:135.5MObstacles Come From Your Mind 
1978.09.16St. Louis, USEve Darsana131:3530.1MWho Is Guru? 
1978.09.17St. Louis, USSB 1.17.2929:456.8MOur Duty Is to Speak Strongly 
1978.09.17St. Louis, USEve Darsana49:0511.2MPrabhupada Is Nitya Siddha 
1978.09.18St. Louis, USMorning Walk34:207.9MIdentifying an Incarnation of God 
1978.09.18St. Louis, USSB 1.17.30-3139:038.9MAvoid Milk Touched by the Snake 
1978.09.19St. Louis, USMorning Walk29:336.8MSankirtan and Dancing Are Sufficient Exercise 
1978.09.19St. Louis, USEve Darsana76:4117.6MBecome Attached to the Spiritual Master 
1978.09.21St. Louis, USSB 1.17.3447:2110.8MPreachingBrhad Mrdanga Series
1978.09.21St. Louis, USEve Darsana84:3719.4MSome "Basic" Philosophy 
1978.09.22St. Louis, USMorning Walk29:306.8MPreach Inside Their Homes 
1978.09.23St. Louis, USMorning Walk27:106.2M100 Buses Is Not Enough 
1978.09.24St. Louis, USConversation22:075.1Mw/ a Sunday Feast Guest 
1978.09.26St. Louis, USEve Darsana144:1033.0MTaste the Honey 
1978.09.27St. Louis, USMorning Walk26:246.0MThe Fruits of Book Distribution, w/ Subhananda Dasa 
1978.09.28St. Louis, USSB 1.17.4245:0210.3M  
1978.09.28St. Louis, USEve Darsana70:1516.1MBook Distribution Is Mass Inoculation 
1978.09.29St. Louis, USMorning Walk15:403.6M  
1978.09.30St. Louis, USMorning Walk24:165.6MChanting Means Pure Chanting 
1978.09.30St. Louis, USSB 1.17.4557:2313.1M  
1978.09.30St. Louis, USEve Darsana60:2813.8MKrsna Consciousness Is Less Painful Than Karma 
1978.10.01St. Louis, USMorning Walk31:027.1MBring the Temple to the People 
1978.10.02St. Louis, USMorning Walk23:365.4MHippy Seeds in the Heart 
1978.10.02St. Louis, USSB 1.18.261:1014.0MDistribute Books for the Next 9500 Years 
1978.10.03St. Louis, USMorning Walk3:500.9M  
1978.10.03St. Louis, USEve Darsana85:1919.5M  
1978.10.04St. Louis, USMorning Walk26:066.0MBe Satisfied With the Service Itself 
1978.10.04Bloomington, USEve Darsana18:144.2MThe Glories of Bhagavad Gita 
1978.10.05Bloomington, USMorning Walk12:482.9MFishing for God 
1978.10.05Bloomington, USEve Darsana76:0217.4MThe Yoga System 
1978.10.06Bloomington, USMorning Walk21:164.9M  
1978.10.06Bloomington, USRoom Conversation59:1013.5MThere Is No Such Thing as Privacy 
1978.10.06Bloomington, USEve Lecture61:0114.0MAttaining the Supreme 
1978.10.07Bloomington, USMorning Walk35:508.2MPrabhupada Was in Trance Not Sleep 
1978.10.08St. Louis, USMorning Walk33:077.6MExample Is Better Than Precept 
1978.10.08St. Louis, USSFL40:599.4MYou Cannot Get Everything With Money 
1978.10.10St. Louis, USEve Darsana64:0514.7M  
1978.10.11St. Louis, USMorning Walk33:317.7MBecome the Good Son of Your Guru 
1978.10.11St. Louis, USArrival26:396.1Mw/ Satsvarupa dasa Goswami 
1978.10.12St. Louis, USEve Darsana92:0521.1MTemporary Reality Is so Fleeting That You Go Mad 
1978.10.14St. Louis, USMorning Walk30:437.0MFirst Be Merciful to Yourself 
1978.10.14St. Louis, USEve Darsana115:0126.3MWhere Is Peace and Love in Animal Kingdom 
1978.10.15St. Louis, USMorning Walk37:018.5M  
1978.10.17Memphis, USEve Lecture88:3820.3MLearn How to Serve Krsna 
1978.10.18Nashville, USEve Lecture78:3418.0MMaterial Nature Is Under Krsna's Control 
1978.10.19Nashville, USMorning Walk32:447.5MFinding a Bonafide Spiritual Master 
1978.10.19Nashville, USLecture45:4510.5MHistory of the Bhagavad Gita 
1978.10.19Nashville, USEve Lecture63:1014.5MThe Process of Surrender 
1978.10.20Nashville, USMorning Walk40:509.3MAccepting Initiation 
1978.10.21Knoxville, USMorning Walk32:357.5MValue of the Human Form 
1978.10.21Knoxville, USDarsana74:5017.1MBuilding a KC Community in Tennessee 
1978.10.21Knoxville, USEve Lecture SB 1.1.179:0018.1MExplanation of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 
1978.10.22Knoxville, USMorning Walk44:2110.2MSin No More 
1978.10.22Knoxville, USEve Lecture SB 1.1.1174:4340.0MI Meditate on Sri Krsna 
1978.10.23Knoxville, USMorning Walk45:5010.5MHousehold Life in Krsna Consciousness 
1978.10.23Knoxville, USEve Lecture SB 1.1.164:0214.7MThe Cause of All Causes 
1978.10.24Knoxville, USEve Lecture SB 1.1.165:1714.9MPouring Ghee Over Fire; Even the Great Sages & Demigods Are Placed Into Illusion 
1978.10.26Mulberry, USSB 7.10.2449:5511.4MThe Vaisnava & the Varnasrama 
1978.10.28Nashville, USMorning Walk37:168.5MNight and Day Dream 
1978.11.05Houston, USPrabhupada Disapp143:3532.9M  
1978.11.05Houston, USSFL81:5918.8MGovardhana Puja 
1978.11.08Houston, USSB 3.13.4958:5713.5MControlling the Senses 
1978.11.11Dallas, USSB 4.14.38-4054:3212.5MLeave Maya Alone 
1978.11.12Dallas, USSB 1.1.254:2112.4M  
1978.11.13Dallas, USSB 1.1.249:2611.3MBecome Ideal and Krsna Will Reveal Himself 
1978.11.14Dallas, USSB 1.1.251:5011.9MConstitutionally We Are the Same Species as God 
1978.11.19Dallas, USSB 1.1.283:1219.0MDistinguished Now Extinguished 
1978.11.19Dallas, USSFL74:2117.0MThe Yoga System 
1978.11.20Dallas, USSB 1.1.376:4617.6M  
1978.11.21Dallas, USSB 1.1.572:0516.5MPreaching Is the Sign of a Vaisnava 
1978.11.22Houston, USArrival67:0015.3MNot Just Another Philosophy 
1978.11.23Houston, USSB 1.1.477:5017.8MSurrender to Krsna 
1978.11.23Houston, USConversation123:3528.3Mw/ Indian Community 
1978.11.24Houston, USSB 1.1.461:5814.2MThe Only Yajna for Kali-yugaBrhad Mrdanga Series
1978.11.24Houston, USEve Darsana45:3010.4M  
1978.11.25Houston, USSB 1.1.654:3712.5MVyasasana Is for Those Spotless in Character 
1978.11.25Houston, USEve Darsana39:549.1M  
1978.11.26Houston, USSB 1.1.775:4117.3MWe Have Much Work to Do 
1978.11.26Houston, USSFL BG 4.1076:3617.5MThe Best Mangoes Are the Highest 
1978.11.26Houston, USRoom Conversation57:4013.2MRitual or Religion 
1978.11.27Houston, USSB 1.1.848:1611.0MDon't Be Angry at Conditioned Souls 
1978.11.27St. Louis, USEve Darsana48:1011.0MHe Who Hesitates Is Lost 
1978.11.28St. Louis, USSB 1.1.932:217.4M  
1978.11.28St. Louis, USEve Darsana74:4517.1M  
1978.11.29St. Louis, USSB 1.1.1032:287.4MA Little Suffering Is Required 
1978.11.29St. Louis, USEve Darsana112:0825.7MNapoleon Was a Devotee of Htimself 
1978.12.01Dallas, USSB 1.1.1060:0113.7MSymptoms of the Kali Yuga - Laziness 
1978.12.03Dallas, USSB 1.1.1066:5315.3MSymptoms of the Kali Yuga - Misguided 
1978.12.04Dallas, USSB 1.1.1062:1914.3MDon't Do Your Own Thing 
1978.12.07Houston, USSB 1.1.1158:0613.3MSuccessful Means to Act on JnanaBrhad Mrdanga Series
1978.12.08Houston, USSB 1.1.1255:5612.8MThe Two Bhagavatas 
1978.12.10Houston, USSB 1.1.1250:0711.5MAvoid Nondevotees Like the Plague 
1978.12.10Houston, USEve Darsana90:4620.8MTo Be Happy, First Know Who You Are 
1978.12.12Houston, USSB 1.1.1470:4216.2M  
1978.12.13Houston, USSB 1.1.1576:5317.6MKrsna Can't Be Bought 
1978.12.15Houston, USSB 1.1.1670:4916.2MGambling Gives Rise to Cheating 
1978.12.16Houston, USSB 1.1.1757:5713.3MMaterial World Is Like Quicksand 
1978.12.17Houston, USSB 1.1.1858:0113.3MBecoming an IncarnationBrhad Mrdanga Series
1978.12.17Houston, USSFL SB 1.2.684:5819.5MPravrtti and Nivrtti Marga 
1978.12.24Houston, USSFL SB 2.1.1269:5816.0MBurn the Material Seeds in the Heart 
1978.12.25Houston, USSB 1.1.1967:4115.5MBeating the Brhad-mrdangaBrhad Mrdanga Series
1978.12.27Houston, USSB 1.1.2071:0916.3MFalse Incarnations 
1978.12.30Houston, USSB 1.1.2162:1014.2MCounter Kali With These Books 
1978.12.31Houston, USSB 1.1.2227:196.3MAlways Connected to Krsna via Service 
1978.12.31Houston, USConversation225:3751.6MBogus Gurus